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Blasting machine are blunt, blunt and abnormal voice how to deal with?

by:Jinzong Machinery     2021-04-16
Tablet press blasting blunt, blunt and abnormal voice? ( A total of five - - 5) ( ZP - is illustrated below 9 rotary tablet press) ZP - 9 rotary tablet press video watching, please click: Jin Zonghe home ning, chairman of answer: a: the cause and management of critical impact machine are as follows: the punch burst Angle, lemel may be embedded tablets. Itself is damaged as a result of the punch, improper heat treatment cracks without careful inspection, do not stand up to pressure or tablet press stress, and suppress the crystalline drug can cause. Should improve the punch heat treatment method and strengthening the check die quality, adjust the pressure, pay attention to appearance inspection tablet. If found explosive impact, should immediately find fragments and find a reason to overcome them. 2: tablet press broken rushed the cause and the process is as follows: the punch rupture or blunt tail XiBo fracture. Itself is damaged as a result of improper die heat treatment cracks without careful inspection, do not stand up to pressure or tablet press pressure is too large, and more than fatigue limit can die itself is broken. Should improve the punch heat treatment method and strengthening the check die quality, adjust the pressure, pay attention to appearance inspection tablet. At the same time, the service life of mould can't unlimited, is in commonly 30 million - 50 million, should be scrapped, can't to save money does not replace, the old die blunt tail ground broken easily. Easy to thrust in the feeder, the thrust easy to lay the impact and track. If there is a broken will damage the feeder or under impact and orbit. Therefore, to regularly check mold and replace the old mould in time. In addition, you can add broken impact protection device on the device, in case of a one thousand break when rushing to protect feeder and orbital, avoid being damaged and cause a greater loss. Three: tablet press the cause and management of abnormal voice is as follows: 1. Synchronous belt is not parallel to cause friction, produce the sound. Solution is to adjust the motor on the spindle of the synchronous belt wheel and worm shaft of the synchronous belt wheel parallel; 2. Reducer oil shortage caused by friction, noise, shall regularly check the oil condition; 3. Turntable and stop plate ( Feeder) Slight friction, noise, solution is to adjust the block board ( Feeder) And the clearance between the turntable; 4. Individual bearing oil shortage or damage, should be replaced with lubricating oil or damage to the bearings; 5. Punch and impact, and the rotation is not flexible. Solution is to regularly the tablet room clear, clean punch.
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