We've got our own QC operators responsible for carrying out quality tests conforming to the international standards. However, if customers ask for a third-party quality test for production system , we give our full support to satisfy your needs. The tested aspects are involved in products' technical specifications, measurements, the contents and formula of related raw materials, etc. The employees working for the third party engage in the whole spectrum of QC activities and are responsible for checking the quality. They can also provide quality reports for us and customers.
Jinzong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a production oriented company equipped with advanced technologies. Various in styles, Jinzong Machinery's intelligent production system can meet the needs of different customers. Jinzong Machinery Error Prevention System adopts modern production model. It has a compact design, occupying less space. Jinzong Machinery employees experienced staff to guarantee the quality of pharmaceutical machinery. The product works very smoothly and causes less noise.
we has always been committed to advocating a culture of cooperation and persisting in work. Welcome to visit our factory!