Stainless Steel jacket heating and cooling Tank Batch Crystallisers We are fabricating and manufacturing crystallizers used to crystallize various products from its mother liquor in various industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, agro-chemicals, dyes, intermediates etc.
Crystallization is the formation of solid particles within a homogeneous phase of saturated liquid. Its wide use has a two-fold basis, a crystal formed from an impure solution is itself pure and crystallization affords a practical method of separating. This operation involves both heat and mass transfer. Cooling type agitated batch crystallizer set up consists of an open jacketed stirred vessel provided with water heating & cooling arrangement. The feed is prepared in the crystallizer itself with hot water and stirrer. The hot saturated solution in the crystallizer is then cooled by circulation of cooling water and crystals are formed.
The crystallizer is closed cylindrical structure, both ends of the cover is installed packing gland and reducer. Tank wall has swirl cooling water jacket. Tank center is set with hollow shaft to fix the cooling coil and the stirring spiral belt, the ends of the shaft head equipped with machine-sealed rotary joint, and with the role of cooling water circulation.
Crystallizer Application: Stainless steel crystallizer is widely used in dairy industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, chemical industry and other industries for material mixing, cooling and freezing, product crystallization and so on.